یکشنبه ۱۹ اسفند ۰۳

hot water high pressure cleaner

تجهيزات نظافت صنعتي

hot water high pressure cleaner

۶۴ بازديد

Hot water pressure washers can remove oil and grease from surface just as easily as a cold water pressure washer can break up dirt. ... This makes hot water pressure washers more effective when cleaning oil, grease, and more off of various surfaces. Hot water offers extra cleaning power when you need it most.

Hot pressure washers work by using water heated to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and a pump which forces the water through a constrictor nozzle. Depending on the model and manufacturer of the pressure washer equipment, you can get a washer that will automatically start and stop.

Answering why hot water cleans better than cold water is right up my alley… It’s a simple study in thermodynamics (heat and energy, including internal energy of a system) and kinetics (forces and motion) – both branches of physics. I studied mechanical engineering, which included a few thermo and kinetics courses…

021-54635 -  09120235174



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