پنجشنبه ۱۶ اسفند ۰۳

فروش مبل شوي كلينفيكس

تجهيزات نظافت صنعتي

sofa cleanig machine TW600

۶۳ بازديد

The extraction machine TW 600 is compact in size and big in performance. Unique membrane thank system gives a massive 28 litre capacity suitable for large areas.

Surface performance up to30 m²

Power rating fan1100W

Power rating pump80W

Vakuum190 mbar

Fresh/dirty water capacity28/30 Liter

Spray pressure5 bar

Spray rate2,5 l/min

Airflow capacity50 l/sec

Cable length7,5 m

Weight21 kg

Measurements l/w/h53/36/69 cm

021-54635 -  09120235174



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